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Introducing ArfinnMed's Automated Review Generation:

Elevate Your Reputation, One Patient at a Time!

In today's digital age, a physician's reputation is more important than ever. With the introduction of our innovative review generation and reputation management module, ArfinnMed empowers physicians/providers to actively shape their online image. By leveraging AI-driven sentiment analysis, we provide an effortless way for you to garner positive reviews and address any negative feedback – ensuring your practice always remains in the best light.

  • Automated Feedback Collection

    We'll send a text message to your patients a couple of hours after their appointment, making feedback collection seamless and effortless.

  • AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis

    Patients respond with their natural language and we instantly gauge patient sentiment and respond accordingly.

  • Boost Positive Reviews

    When a positive experience is detected, we encourage satisfied patients to share their positive experiences through your review link.

  • Directly Address Concerns

    For negative feedback, get more insight and address the issues head-on, maintaining patient trust.

  • Valuable Insights for Improvement

    With every piece of feedback, find new avenues to enhance your patient care.

Screenshot of Arfinns Reputation Management

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