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CEO Spotlight: James West

As a former academic coordinator for the City University of New York Research Foundation and Medgar Evers College, CEO and co-founder of Arfinn Med, James West, has extensive experience in adult education and professional training programming. James put this extensive education to good use when he noticed that there was a direct need for a…

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Medical Marijuana a Hit With Seniors

In a new survey, those who turned to it for treating chronic pain reported it reduced pain and decreased the need for opioid painkillers. Nine out of 10 liked it so much they said they’d recommend medical pot to others. “I was on Percocet and replaced it with medical marijuana. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” said one senior. Another patient put…

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Substance in cannabis ‘could boost pancreatic cancer treatments’

A substance found in cannabis plants might boost treatments for patients with pancreatic cancer, research in mice has suggested. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is not psychoactive, meaning it does not produce feelings of being high in those who take it. It is extracted from hemp plants and is legal in the UK, although a CBD product…

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